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The first transnational meeting organized by CPIA Avellino was held in Avellino from 29 to 31 October 2018 at Istituto Alberghiero I.P.S.E.O.A -Avellino. The Education Superintendent of Avellino was also present at the opening of the event to greet all participants, congratulate us on the DiM project and wish us a good and fruitful work. The main purposes of the meeting were the mutual knowledge of the partners; the presentation of the entire project in its different phases, the discussion about its realization; the division of tasks between partners, the planning of a dissemination scheme; the signing of the agreement.
The main agenda items were on the first day (29 October): discussion about DiM project guidelines, focus on the main objectives and the different phases of the data collection followed by a working session on methodologies involved in data processing. On the second day (30 October): working session about selection of languages to be collected and language labs proposals followed by a workshop on a simulation of DiM collection phase. On the third day (31 October): Excursus on sociolinguistic aspects relating to each country including in DiM project; discussion about allocation of the tasks and roles, evaluation and dissemination plan.
All the partners were present at the meeting. with the total number of 25 participants: 11 people from Cpia Avellino 5 from Cpia Benevento, 3 from Cpia Ravenna, 2 from Future Focus – Malta 2 from 36,6 Competence Center, Scotland, one participant from Active Citizens Partnership, Greece and 1 from IMS Research & Development Center, Cyprus.
The main objectives set in the agenda were achieved. On the first day each partner presented its institution. CPIA Avellino described DiM project guidelines and answered all the questions and doubts of the partners about the different phases of the lemmas data collection. A working session showed to the partners the methodologies to be used in data processing.
The second day was dedicated to the approval and signing of the agreement between all the partners about the tasks and roles, evaluation and dissemination plan. followed by a working session for the selection of languages to be collected and language labs proposals. Every partner made assumptions about the languages to choose reserving the right to decide after a short monitoring to determine which mother tongue of pupils was the most widely spoken.
During the workshop held on the last day the technical team of CPIA Avellino showed how to proceed with translation, transliteration (for languages with alphabets other than Latin) and audio recording of words through a simulation involving all the participants who played the part of the students or teacher in the different groups.
During the whole meeting the importance of the fundamental role of the students in the DiM project was underlined by CPIA Avellino. They must be the protagonists especially during the first phase of data collection of their native language and the translation into the target language.
There were also moments of conviviality and fun with the ice breaking activities such as the exchange of balloons and the music and dance of the different countries present at the meeting. The guided tours in Avellino (the Duomo and the Crypt) and the guided tour in Benevento were also important to get to know our partners better and to introduce them to our cultural realities.